Uses of Interface

Packages that use IMConnection

Uses of IMConnection in net.sf.dexterim.core

Classes in net.sf.dexterim.core that implement IMConnection
 class AbstractIMConnection

Methods in net.sf.dexterim.core that return IMConnection
 IMConnection InstantMessenger.createConnection(java.lang.String protocolName)
          Create a unconnected IMConnection using the given protocol
 IMConnection Protocol.createConnection()
          Creates an unconnected Connection to an Instant Messaging Service.

Uses of IMConnection in net.sf.dexterim.msn

Classes in net.sf.dexterim.msn that implement IMConnection
 class MsnConnection

Methods in net.sf.dexterim.msn that return IMConnection
 IMConnection MsnProtocol.createConnection()

Uses of IMConnection in net.sf.dexterim.oscar

Classes in net.sf.dexterim.oscar that implement IMConnection
 class OscarConnection

Methods in net.sf.dexterim.oscar that return IMConnection
 IMConnection OscarProtocol.createConnection()

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