Uses of Interface

Packages that use MsnMessage

Uses of MsnMessage in net.sf.dexterim.msn

Methods in net.sf.dexterim.msn with parameters of type MsnMessage
protected  void ReceiverThread.fireMessageReceived(MsnMessage message)

Uses of MsnMessage in

Methods in that return MsnMessage
 MsnMessage BufferedMsnMessageReader.readMesage()
          Description of the Method
protected  MsnMessage BufferedMsnMessageReader.createWorkMessage(java.lang.String messageString)
          Description of the Method

Uses of MsnMessage in net.sf.dexterim.msn.message

Classes in net.sf.dexterim.msn.message that implement MsnMessage
 class AddToListMessage
 class AnswerMessage
 class BuddyPhoneMessage
 class CallMessage
 class ChallengeMessage
          Description of the Class
 class ChangeScreenNameMessage
 class ChangeStatusMessage
          Description of the Class
 class CheckMessage
          Description of the Class
 class ContactListMessage
          Description of the Class
 class HotmailNotificationMessage
 class HotmailProfileMessage
 class InviteMessage
          Description of the Class
 class JoiningMessage
 class JoinMessage
 class LoginReplyMessage
 class MimeMessage
 class MimeMessageFactory
 class NewServerMessage
 class OfflineMessage
          Description of the Class
 class OnlineMessage
          Description of the Class
 class PersonalInformationMessage
 class ReferMessage
 class RemoveFromListMessage
 class SingleLineMessage
 class StartConversationMessage
          Description of the Class
 class SwitchBoardMessage
          Description of the Class
 class TweenerMessage
 class UnknownMessage
 class UserLeftMessage
 class UserMessage
 class UserTypingMessage
 class USRMessage

Methods in net.sf.dexterim.msn.message that return MsnMessage
 MsnMessage AddToListMessage.addLine(java.lang.String line)
          Adds a feature to the Line attribute of the AddToListMessage object
 MsnMessage AnswerMessage.addLine(java.lang.String line)
          Parses Messages of the form ANS 1 OK.
 MsnMessage BuddyPhoneMessage.addLine(java.lang.String line)
          Adds a feature to the Line attribute of the BuddyPhoneMessage object
 MsnMessage CallMessage.addLine(java.lang.String line)
          Parses Messages of the format CAL 2 RINGING 11752099.
 MsnMessage ChallengeMessage.addLine(java.lang.String line)
          Adds a feature to the Line attribute of the CheckMessage object
 MsnMessage ChangeScreenNameMessage.addLine(java.lang.String line)
          Adds a feature to the Line attribute of the ChangeScreenNameMessage object
 MsnMessage ChangeStatusMessage.addLine(java.lang.String line)
          Adds a feature to the Line attribute of the ChangeStatusMessage object
 MsnMessage CheckMessage.addLine(java.lang.String line)
          Adds a feature to the Line attribute of the CheckMessage object
 MsnMessage ContactListMessage.addLine(java.lang.String line)
          Adds a feature to the Line attribute of the ContactListMessage object
 MsnMessage FileTransferInvitation.addLine(java.lang.String line)
          Adds a feature to the Line attribute of the FileTransferInvitation object
 MsnMessage InviteMessage.addLine(java.lang.String line)
          Adds a feature to the Line attribute of the StartConversationMessage object
 MsnMessage JoiningMessage.addLine(java.lang.String line)
          Adds a feature to the Line attribute of the JoiningMessage object
 MsnMessage JoinMessage.addLine(java.lang.String line)
          Adds a feature to the Line attribute of the JoinMessage object
 MsnMessage LoginReplyMessage.addLine(java.lang.String line)
          Parses loginin replies of the form: USR 6 OK My%20Screen%20Name 1
 MsnMessage MimeMessage.addLine(java.lang.String line)
          Adds a Received Line to a Message.
 MsnMessage MimeMessage.addCharBlock(char[] charBlock)
          Adds a feature to the CharBlock attribute of the MimeMessage object
 MsnMessage MimeMessageFactory.addLine(java.lang.String line)
          Adds a Received Line to a Message.
 MsnMessage MimeMessageFactory.addCharBlock(char[] charBlock)
          Adds a feature to the CharBlock attribute of the MimeMessageFactory object
 MsnMessage MsnMessage.addCharBlock(char[] charBlock)
          Adds a feature to the CharBlock attribute of the MsnMessage object
 MsnMessage MsnMessage.addLine(java.lang.String line)
          Adds a Received Line to a Message.
 MsnMessage MsnMessageFactory.createMsnMessage(java.lang.String messageString)
          Description of the Method
protected  MsnMessage MsnMessageFactory.createWorkMessage(java.lang.String messageString)
          Description of the Method
 MsnMessage NewServerMessage.addLine(java.lang.String line)
          Parses New Server Messages of the form XFR 2 NS 0
 MsnMessage OfflineMessage.addLine(java.lang.String line)
          Adds a feature to the Line attribute of the OfflineMessage object
 MsnMessage OnlineMessage.addLine(java.lang.String line)
          Adds a feature to the Line attribute of the OnlineMessage object
 MsnMessage PersonalInformationMessage.addLine(java.lang.String line)
          Adds a feature to the Line attribute of the PersonalInformationMessage object
 MsnMessage ReferMessage.addLine(java.lang.String line)
          Parses Refer Messages.
 MsnMessage RemoveFromListMessage.addLine(java.lang.String line)
          Adds a feature to the Line attribute of the RemoveFromListMessage object
 MsnMessage SingleLineMessage.addCharBlock(char[] charBlock)
          Adds a feature to the CharBlock attribute of the SingleLineMessage object
 MsnMessage SingleLineMessage.addLine(java.lang.String line)
          Adds a Received Line to a Message.
 MsnMessage StartConversationMessage.addLine(java.lang.String line)
          Adds a feature to the Line attribute of the StartConversationMessage object
 MsnMessage SwitchBoardMessage.addLine(java.lang.String line)
          Adds a feature to the Line attribute of the SwitchBoardMessage object
 MsnMessage TweenerMessage.addLine(java.lang.String line)
 MsnMessage UnknownMessage.addLine(java.lang.String line)
 MsnMessage UserLeftMessage.addLine(java.lang.String line)
          Adds a feature to the Line attribute of the UserLeftMessage object
 MsnMessage USRMessage.addLine(java.lang.String line)
          Parses messages of Form USR 5 MD5 S 1013928519.693957190 USR 6 OK My%20Screen%20Name 1

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